Zadavaka's Wisdom Game project is a free trivia game for quiz lovers. It offers free quizzes based on broad and narrow topics, for people of all ages, interests and social backgrounds. New quiz questions, both easy and challenging, are uploaded daily, so that there always will be something new for the most active players.
User Activity
31% users interact with Zadavaka on regular basis.
User Engagement
Average user visits site 72 times through lifetime.
User Lifetime
Average user stays interested in project during 357 days.
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This is the story of Zadavaka

Zadavaka is a friendly and curious monster. His home is Hitromudria, a planet where only smart and savvy monsters can live. Zadavaka was not nearly astute enough, so he had to leave Hitromudria and roam the Universe in searchof knowledge and experience. His pursuit of wisdom brought him to Earth.
Zadavaka doesn't know much yet. So far, he's only good with basic arithmetic and other general subjects. English is also not his strong suit, so mistakes are inevitable. But to err is human, and Zadavaka is eager to learn anything about humans, our planet, our history and geography, our people, our culture and science, popular trends and deep spiritual matters.
Are you willing to help this friendly monster return to his home planet? You can do this by answering questions – this will provide Zadavaka with the information he craves and enable you to test your ownknowledge, too! Zadavaka's quizzes will give you a much-needed 10 to 15 minutes break from work and a nice opportunity to stretch your mind!
You can complete with other players and try to reach the top of the ratings – that is the most honorable achievement of all!
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You mean somebody is really playing this?

Certainly! We have 120.000+ players who have joined the game since the launch of the project. More than 10.000 of them play Zadavaka's quizzes every day. We can even boast of receiving ample amounts of positive feedback.
Here are some of the latest kind words of approval our players sent to us:
Joan Borde
This game is good! Very interesting questions!
Great beneficial games for the mind.
Rudra Dhital
Zadavaka quiz is really good and helpful for us. I like it
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