
If you want to expand your online presence, you’ve come to the right place! Emails, Corp. offers versatile advertising opportunities including numerous ad placement formats, as well as most precise audience targeting based on geolocation, sociodemographics, and interests. We can offer you to add your ad creative into an email broadcast that we send on behalf of the heroes of our projects. Or you can send a whole email to our broad audience and use its ample space to deliver your message in the best way possible.

Emails, Corp.’s thematic projects provide our subscribers with entertaining, edifying and reliable content on a daily basis. We never fail to deliver fresh and timely content right into the inboxes of people of all ages, interests and social standings. The themes we explore are versatile - you are sure to find at least one that will suit your campaign goals and serve your ads in the most appropriate environment. You can even suggest that we launch a totally new content project – say, a thematic quiz that serves your purposes – together and customize it to achieve the best ad campaign performance!

We are genuinely interested in what you have to say and suggest. Even if you are an online marketing newbie with a limited budget, we will still find an option that will help you run the campaign to your best advantage. But if you are a keen marketing expert looking for bravehearts who will dare to set up a custom campaign that includes an unusual ad format, e.g.: stylized frames, non-standard creative units or complete site branding, don’t hesitate to contact us and discuss the ins and outs!

If you are curious to learn the details of the ad opportunities that we offer, please contact us at